Customer Cases

Chemical Industry


In the chemical industry, fluid filtration products are the core technology to ensure production safety, process stability and product quality, and are widely used in the whole process of raw material treatment, reaction process, product refining and waste management, while helping the industry to green and efficient transformation.

Raw material pretreatment: Chemical production relies on high-purity raw materials. For example, brine in chlor-alkali industry needs to remove suspended matter, calcium and magnesium ions and organic matter through multi-layer media filter and membrane filtration system to prevent scale formation and electrode corrosion in electrolytic cell; Trace metal impurities (such as nickel and vanadium) in petrochemical cracking raw materials should be intercepted by adsorption filters to avoid catalyst poisoning failure.

Reaction and synthesis processes: In polymerization reactions involving catalysts (such as polyethylene production), metal sintered filters or ceramic membrane filters are used to continuously separate unreacted catalyst particles, ensuring reaction efficiency and extending catalyst life; The fluid at the outlet of the high temperature and pressure reactor must be protected downstream equipment by blocking byproduct coke through a corrosion resistant alloy filtration system (such as Hastelloy alloy).

Product refining and purification: Fine chemicals (such as pharmaceutical intermediates, electronic grade solvents) need to be ultrafiltration (UF) and nanofiltration (NF) technology to remove nano-level impurities, to achieve ppb purity; In the crystallization process, the precision filtration system (such as the candle filter) can effectively separate the mother liquid and the seed, and improve the consistency of the product yield and crystal form.

Three wastes treatment and resource recovery: wastewater containing heavy metals is selectively adsorbed by chelating resin filter bed to achieve standard discharge; In the waste acid regeneration process, acid-resistant ceramic membrane can efficiently separate suspended matter and acid solution, and promote closed circuit circulation. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) waste gas treatment using activated carbon fiber filter or molecular sieve adsorption tower to reduce emission concentration and recover valuable components.

Industry challenges and innovation trends: In the face of highly corrosive media (such as concentrated sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid), high temperature and high pressure (>300℃) and complex composition systems, chemical filtration technology is being upgraded to resist extreme working conditions materials (such as silicon carbide ceramics, polytetrafluoroethylene coating) and intelligent systems. For example, online particle monitoring +AI predictive maintenance dynamically optimizes filtration cycles; Anti-fouling membrane surface modification techniques (such as hydrophilic/hydrophobic coatings) significantly extend the membrane life. In addition, the application of dynamic tangential flow filtration (TFF) technology in the biochemical sector (such as fermentation fluid separation) and microscale precision filtration units in microreactors are driving continuous production and process innovation.

At present, the chemical industry, through high-precision and high-reliability filtration solutions, responds to the need for stricter environmental regulations, efficient use of resources and process upgrading, and provides key technical support for the realization of low-carbon, digital and circular economy goals.